#27 Why Does it Matter? The Role of Big Data in Antitrust.
The relationship between Big Data and Antitrust has been a hot topic recently. In this episode, University of Florida Law Professor and White a Case Senior Advisor Daniel Sokol talks with hosts John Roberti and Sergei Zaslavsky about this important subject, combining his genuine expertise, eclectic erudition, and unique panache. Any Big Data podcast can provide an explanation of the four Vs and network effects; this one mixes in Fiddler on the Roof, Woody Allen, Werner Herzog, and Joseph Schumpeter's thesis advisor. Listen to this episode for an engaging conversation that is educational and entertaining in equal measure. Related Links: The Four Vs of Big DataDaniel Sokol and Roisin Comerford, Antitrust and Regulating Big Data Hosted by: John Roberti, Partner, Allen a Overy and Sergei Zaslavsky, Counsel, O'Melveny a Myers