EP 003 – Unlocking Your Potential By Activating Your Unconscious Mind
You probably know by now that we have two different minds, a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. There’s this idea that 95% of who you are is unconscious, therefore understanding this concept of the unconscious mind is important. Your unconscious mind stores all of your memories and emotions and holds all of the information that you use on a day-to-day basis. It is also where emotions reside and the concept of identity arises. The way that you view yourself and how you process information depends on your concept of identity. You can either distort, delete, or generalize it according to how you perceive it’s going to affect you because its main responsibility is to preserve the body and make sure that you’re safe. Learn how to tap into your unconscious mind to step towards changing whatever you want in your life or accomplishing the goals that you’ve got.