#21 Stop Thinking, Start Doing
After a few weeks of feeling frustrated, irritated and overwhelmed, Ross finally has a breakthrough on getting out of his own mind to help push his businesses and ideas forward. This common phase many people - business owners or employees - face, is all too common and tricky to alleviate. We take you through the steps Ross took, and his advice on how he arrived feeling much more in control and productive. In this episode of LIFE DESIGN DIARIES, we take you through: Over thinking is bad for business Chunking down your vision to simple steps in 24 hour periods How to go from thinking to doing It’s ok to be naive Finding the perfect wrong answer Failing is the only path Our advice comes from inspiration from the Humans of New York interview with Tim Ferris and also taking some lessons from TETTA. We hope you enjoy this episode and it helps you if you’re feeling stuck or deflated. We’d really love to hear you tips and hacks you find helpful too. Please share with us via our Instagram @lifedesigndiaries or via our website www.lifedesigndiaries.com. There are currently a whopping 50 iTunes reviews of our podcast, we take on board and thoroughly read each and every one of them. We can’t thank you all enough for taking the time to leave them. If you haven’t yet left us a review please click ‘more episodes’ scroll to the bottom of our show page and drop us a line! REFERENCES Design Drop Email The Tim Ferriss Show - Humans of New York TETTA CATCH LIFE DESIGN DIARIES ON Website Instagram Facebook Ross + Lucy Topics discussed on our podcast: e-commerce, travel, starting a business, online, entrepreneurship, digital nomad, selling products, mindset, how to start, business, investing, startup Years Of Collected and Applied Learnings from the likes of Tim Ferriss, GaryVee, Gary Vaynerchuk, NPR, How I Built This, Joe Rogan, TED, Planet Money, Jocko, Property Podcast, Tony Robbins, Tai Lopez, Rob Moore, Aubery Marcus, Mark Manson, Simon Sinek, Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Covey