#17 ASK | When To Have Kids?
When to have kids? Where to have kids? Can you travel with kids? In this episode of LIFE DESIGN DIARIES we answer your question about children. If you would like us to answer one of your questions in a future episode, please head over to lifedesigndiaries.com/question and submit your question. This episode is slightly new territory for us and so we would love to know what you think. The topic of children and when/where to possibly have them is not an easy one! We’re sharing our current views on the subject and would love to hear your feedback on how you find this episode in comparison to our usual ones. REFERENCES Ask us a Question Design Drop Email | Sign Up Here CATCH LIFE DESIGN DIARIES ON Website Instagram Facebook Please leave us a review on iTunes if you enjoyed this episode. We'll read out some of your feedback in our later episodes! Lucy + Ross If you're keen to start a business, make a change, become an entrepreneur, travel the world, become a digital nomad or any of the above, this podcast is designed to help you! Each week we discuss topics such as: e-commerce, travel, starting a business, online, entrepreneurship, digital nomad, selling products, mindset, how to start, business, investing, startup. Years Of Collected and Applied Learnings from the likes of Tim Ferriss, GaryVee, Gary Vaynerchuk, Steven Bartlett, NPR, How I Built This, Joe Rogan, TED, Planet Money, Jocko, Property Podcast, Tony Robbins, Tai Lopez, Rob Moore, Aubery Marcus, Mark Manson, Simon Sinek, Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Covey