#3 How To Start A Business From Nothing, Being Over Stretched a Growing (Not Finding) Your Passion
Lucy is considerably more positive about TETTA growth, we talk in detail about being over stretched and choosing what to work on, and we give some practical tips on getting an idea out of the ground with absolutely nothing but hustle. Hacks To Starting A Business With No Money Or Product What Output To Measure In A Start Up Why You Should Test Shit, And Test Again Deciding Where To Focus Finding Your Passion Hooray! A Positive TETTA Update Catch us on Instagram Facebook Website Please let us know what you think! We'll read out some of your feedback in our later podcasts! Lucy + Ross If you're keen to start a business, make a change, become an entrepreneur, travel the world, become a digital nomad or any of the above, this podcast is designed to help you! Each week we discuss topics such as: e-commerce, travel, starting a business, online, entrepreneurship, digital nomad, selling products, mindset, how to start, business, investing, startup. Years Of Collected and Applied Learnings from the likes of Tim Ferriss, GaryVee, Gary Vaynerchuk, Steven Bartlett, NPR, How I Built This, Joe Rogan, TED, Planet Money, Jocko, Property Podcast, Tony Robbins, Tai Lopez, Rob Moore, Aubery Marcus, Mark Manson, Simon Sinek, Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Covey