The Art Of Creative Collaboration With The Brothers Koren
Co-creation, teamwork, creative collaboration – these are words that we use a lot, both in art and in business, but the actual dynamics of it can be challenging. A lot of times, it’s because our ego gets in the way of being able to fail, fumble, and look stupid in front of others in order to hold the space for brilliant ideas to come. We see this play out in every songwriting collaboration, as well as in every board and team meeting. Joining Steve Farber in this rather creative episode, The Brothers Koren, Thorald and Isaac explain how the art of creative collaboration applies to music, as well as in business. They have an interesting take on collaboration that goes against the grain of conventional wisdom that you have to let go of the ego in order to collaborate. Instead, they look at how the good aspect of ego can be used to put contributions forward for the collaborative effort. Tag along as these three songwriters demonstrate what it really means to collaborate in an unexpectedly expected way.
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