What Is Extreme Leadership?
These are extreme times that we live in. It's fair to say that extreme times call for extreme leadership. But what is it? Do we have what it takes to live up to the name and stand as an extreme leader? Steve Farber gives you the answers in this episode as he shares a series of webinars that introduces extreme leadership and how, though juxtaposed to the image it gives, it should go together with the practice of cultivating love. In this first part of the series, he guides us into one of the first elements of his book, The Radical LEAP: love. He shares some great insights and wisdom on how love is not at all inappropriate in the context of business; it is, in fact, at the very foundation of what great leadership is. Join Steve as he continues with the process of how you can bring that love into what you do and inspire others to love your business as well.
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