Live With The Brothers Koren, Isaac And Thorald Koren
There are voices that speak inside our heads that either helps us become what we want to be or keep us from achieving that. Guests, Isaac and Thorald Koren, identify and differentiate those as our big voice and small voice. As world-class musicians under the band, The Kin, Isaac and Thorald sure know the power of our voices—both in the literal and metaphorical sense. In this episode, host Steve Farber shares his conversation with them at the Extreme Leadership Experience in 2019, where they talk about their journey of learning how to recognize our big and small voices and to work through which of those hold us back and propel us forward. Having founded The Songwriter’s Journey, The Brothers Koren helps those who are passionate about music to express them. They share how they do that and show the power that is in reclaiming our voice and letting it be heard.
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