1-2: Battlestar Galactica "Water"
On this week's episode listen as Matthew comes to a stunning (perhaps not so obvious) conclusion as to why Boomer is soaked and sitting on the Galactica with some memory issues. Perhaps he isn't as astute as we originally thought? Follow https://twitter.com/Dean_LSGMedia (Dean) on Twitter. @Dean_LSGMedia Follow https://twitter.com/MatthewFromLSG (Matthew) on Twitter. @MatthewFromLSG Follow https://twitter.com/LSGMedia (LSG Media) on Twitter. @LSGMedia Support LSG Media by becoming a member. Subscribe http://apple.co/2AyeIrY (iTunes) Recording/Release Schedule schedule.libertystreetgeek.net Disclaimer This is a commentary and criticism show that will routinely slander, suggest, and make wild claims - it should be considered comedy entertainment only, and not to be taken seriously. Take responsibility for your own feelings and actions.