Potato Chips | Crunch Time (TSB024)
When this episode comes out, it’ll be the second week of the new year. So … how’s everyone’s diets going? If you’re looking for some motivation, you might want to go back to last week’s episode on The Story Behind the Treadmill because in this episode, we’ll be talking about a certain crunchy, salty, fatty food that’s hard to resist. Find out the popular origin story of this food, and how it’s actually just a legend; how it became a favorite snack food and went from banned during World War 2 to becoming labeled “essential; and why you can’t just eat one. I’m your host, Emily Prokop, and this is The Story Behind Potato Chips. Follow The Story Behind: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Website Check out #PodernFamily on Twitter to find other great indie podcasts like this one. If you enjoy podcasts about history, literature, archeology, and the arts, check out the hashtag #HumanitiesPodcasts on Twitter to find more podcasts like this one. Click here to support this podcast on Patreon. Media: Music for Makers Sources: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/09/real-story-potato-chip/ http://www.snopes.com/business/origins/chips.asp http://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/2016/03/14/surprising-history-potato-chips.html http://invention.si.edu/potato-chip-inventions https://www.tastemade.com/articles/8-potato-chip-facts-you-cant-stop-popping http://www.eatthis.com/this-why-its-so-hard-stop-eating-chips https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/philosophy-stirred-not-shaken/201404/can-you-really-become-addicted-potato-chips http://list25.com/25-unique-potato-chip-flavors-from-around-the-world-you-probably-never-heard-of/ https://books.google.com/books?id=Wq3tvL_uIHcCapg=PA637alpg=PA637adq=potato+chips+world+war+2asource=blaots=M-osSWeaM-asig=XYGclCKkgQSCqEPY0Jz6dNq_Nq8ahl=enasa=Xaved=0ahUKEwibvc7fzZXRAhVDw4MKHbVfASEQ6AEIbTAU#v=onepageaq=potato%20chips%20world%20war%202af=false