Mount Rushmore | Stone-Faced Presidents (TSB012)
Yelp Review: 1 Star"If I could give zero to this collection of 'Merican phat pants ice cream zoo I would. This is a disgrace to the park system. Don’t go here. Stay in the hills or badlands instead. I do not think it is patriotic to deface a mountain. Also the surrounding towns are horrible. I am pretty sure that the next gathering of the juggalos is taking place around here somewhere." Yelp Review: 1 Star "Not to downplay the achievements of the monument ... but, it was really not that awesome. Seriously, you can only look at giant heads carved into the side of a mountain for so long. We drove across the country and through South Dakota for this?" Yelp Review: 1 Star "not very good. kind of scary imo. my little sister cried. do NOT bring kids to this thing." Despite the one-star Yelp reviews, this South Dakota monument attracts more than 2 million tourists per year, became a sought-after movie backdrop by Alfred Hitchcock, which caused rumors and controversy with the National Parks Service, and started off with a 14-year construction using nearly 400 men and women. I’m your host, Emily Prokop, and this is The Story Behind Mount Rushmore. Follow The Story Behind: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Website The One-Star Yelp Reviews were read by Adam and Bryon from Everyone has a Podcast and Porter from Porter’s Podcast. The role of Bill Challis was played byRich Grimshaw, a forensic engineer from Cumming, Georgia. Brandon from the Basement Condition Podcast played Gutzon Borglum, and Podcast Rob from The Something-Something Cast played Alfred Hitchcock. Check out #PodernFamily on Twitter to find other great indie podcasts like this one. Click here to support this podcast on Patreon. Media: Music for Makers Sources: