Can Red Light reduce Wrinkles and Inflammation, improve Skin, Energy and Fertility: Eric James
On this episode of Anti-Aging Hacks, we discuss all about Red and Near Infrared light: How does Red and Infrared light provide more energy to our cells and body The benefits of Red Light in reducing wrinkles, improving skin texture and tone How deeper penetration of light improves muscle definition, reduces workout recovery time, and other deeper conditions How Red Light can improve sperm motility and fertility in both sexes Recommendations on how often and when to use Red and Infrared Light for benefits My guest Eric James is the Founder a CEO of Red Therapy Company. He was originally a programmer and neural network expert but being in front of the computer so many hours took its toll on his body. Through his own health challenges and those of his family members, he became passionate about health, and wellness. This lead him to become an expert in light therapies and study the effects of different types of light on the skin, mind, mood, and body as well as how people are using RED / NIR light therapies for overcoming health challenges. Eric has been kind enough to give the listeners of this podcast a discount code if you want to buy a red light device. The discount code is antiaginghacks. I am going to link all the info from the discussion in the show notes as well as a link the studies. The show notes can be found at