Can we Reverse Aging in 5 Years, How to Stay Young, and all about Telomeres and Telomerase: Dr. Bill Andrews
In this fascinating episode of the anti-aging hacks podcast, we discuss: 1. Can we reverse aging in 5 years 2. How to stay young for a long time 3. How Telomeres work and how to test your age using Telomeres My guest on this episode, Dr. Bill Andrews is the Founder and CEO of Sierra Sciences, a company focused on finding ways to extend human lifespan and health span through telomere maintenance. Telomeres are found at the tips of our chromosomes and have been shown, in thousands of scientific peer-reviewed studies, to be the clock of aging in humans. When telomeres get shorter, we get older, and our health declines. Bill has been featured in Popular Science, The Today Show and numerous documentaries on the topic of life extension including, most recently, the movie The Immortalists in which he co-stars with Dr. Aubrey de Grey. This is an absolutely fascinating interview where we discuss all about the aging clock in our cells, which is determined by our Telomeres. We talk about the enzyme Telomerase that grown Telomeres longer. We talk about Bill's anti-aging protocol, and the research he is doing to extend the human lifespan and allow us to age backwards. Must listen episode!