Are your Mobile Phone and other Devices Slowly Killing You from Radiation - Daniel DeBaun
In this podcast of Anti-Aging Hacks, we discuss: The different types of radiation present in our modern world The damage that radiation from our mobile devices such as cell phones, Tablets, Laptops is causing to our bodies How to minimize the damage from these devices Radiation from our devices consists of two different types: ELF and RF radiation. - ELF stands for Extremely Low Frequency and it is emitted from the circuits in the devices and in the wires connecting into the wall. - RF stands for Radio Frequency and is emitted from your cell phone as it connects to the cell towers, from the Bluetooth antenna inside your phone, and from the wifi antenna. There are three different types of power emitted from these radiations. Today my guest in Daniel DeBaun, who is an internationally recognized and influential expert in electronic emissions and EMF protection. Daniel has a particular focus on the effect of exposure of mobile devices such as laptops, ipads and cell phones. He is the author of the popular book Radiation Nation. He is also the inventor of Defender Shield, an effective radiation technology to prevent damage from these devices. His contact info: His book is called Radiation Nation. Visit our website at to view the shownotes and listen to all the other episodes.