CPA Reviewed – Podcast #5
CPA Reviewed Podcast #5 topics: Is 10-12 weeks per section overkill?... Should college students adopt habits now that will get them ready for the exam later?... How many hours are required for Pathway 2 in California?... Can you use a 2011 CPA Review course in 2012?... Is 7 weeks/25 hours a week enough for Auditing?... Is it possible to pass 3 sections by April 30, 2012? Can you put "CPA" on your business card after passing?... I failed...can I just get a "cram" course and pass?... What are the ethics requirements for CPA candidates in Texas?... Is it possible for candidates to see nearly duplicate questions on their exam?... How do you study again after failing?... How did I add 10 points to my AUD score?.. Can you re-take a failed CPA Exam section in the same testing window?... Any time management tips for the CPA Exam?...