What is CPA Exam (and How Many CPA Exam Parts?) | Another71 Podcast #1
What is CPA Exam (and How Many CPA Exam Parts?) | Another71 Podcast #1 It runs approx. 30 minutes. I cover 10 or so questions from readers...study tips, motivation, etc. It's version 1.0 ... I welcome your feedback :) Welcome to the CPA Review this podcast of another71 and it's official because it's the first and it's the one and only, right? So I get a lot of emails. I would say I get hundreds of emails a month from people who. Are you looking for help? Who knows that I used to be in the same situation. So they're looking for insight on studying exam scheduling, how to, how to pick a review course, you name it. So I thought it was time to start a podcast because that's pretty much what you do, right? He started a podcast. So anyway. So today is Wednesday, September 7th, and I hope everyone had a great labor day weekend. you know, normally for a holiday, you were supposed to take it easy maybe. But, labor day weekend was just that I was manual labor, on Saturday. I actually had. I had a good day. You know, as a parent, you maybe do things with your younger children that you wouldn't have done with your older children when you were a new parent, for instance. I have five kids and, and they were all with my wife, by the way, and I'm not, not Catholic, not Mormon. So I get asked those questions. and so as a new parent, I would not have taken a three and a half month old to a college football game, but you know what, baby number five. It was time to go. So we took my eight-year-old, six years old and my three and a half year old and packed up for the promised land, which is Manhattan, Kansas, in case you didn't know for K state football game. My wife and I have a book, K state alarms. And I used to go to almost all of the games and once parenting hit, I maybe make it to two a year. So. That was a new experience taking a three and a half-month-old to a football game. It kind of puts a new spin on, on tailgating, you know, when you have to haul around the diaper bag. So, and, you know, then, Sunday I spent a good five hours, trimming around my mother-in-law's property and, and then Monday, labor day, I. Renting a power washer, which I've never done, and I power washed my deck, which as it turns out, was long overdue. So basically, let's, let's get started. I get, I get a lot of questions and I know some of you have very similar questions. First question is from Kim. Jeff, this is, this was my third time to sit for my exam this year. And unfortunately, I felt the same about the simulations as I did before. I used my time more efficiently though, and I'm hoping that maybe I managed to get a 75 this time. I know this feeling of uncertainty is very common, but would you recommend that I move on to the next section, which is fir financial. Kim didn't mention what CPA Exam she took. But you know when you sit for an exam and whether or not you feel good or bad, that exam is done and while you're waiting for your score, you could spend the next, well, sometimes you spend the next like eight weeks waiting for a score depending on when you take it in the window. But you can spend that time anxiously second-guessing yourself or you can decide, okay, that exam is done. I'm going to focus on the next exam. And let's say you have to wait three weeks for your score and it comes back that you failed. I mean, What is CPA Exam life without a little failure. Well, you can decide then if you want to jump back in and take that exam again and put your current study, not halt, which in this case would be financial accounting and reporting, but. You know, at that point, you know, let's say, let's say that you score a 74, let's say that's regulation and you score 74. Well, today you're not one point away from passing regulation. You are back to, you know, if you sat down and took it today without standing again, you might score a 60. So either way, you're probably going to have to go back to the beginning so that you don't cut any corners.