Moon Talk 005: Welcome to the Feminine Quantum Revolution
Quantum physics DNA decoding The quantum realm as a feminine realm The path of self-mastery Linear vs. Non-linear time Divine feminine leaders who mastered the ascended realms Intuition a Stargate magic Entering the zero point realm SHOW NOTES 6:35—Why the quantum realm is a feminine realm in many spiritual traditions 7:17—Quantum physics, metaphysics and matter. Newtonian physics vs. Einstein. Decoding our DNA and our beliefs and ancestral experiences. 12:28—How the quantum world is the path of self-mastery helping us download our higher self into our body 13:44–Why linear time doesn’t work in quantum physics 14:32—Why we can link quantum physics and quantum science with the feminine realms 16:57—Divine feminine leaders who were mastering the quantum realms 18:27—What happens when we open to our multidimensionality and access all possibilities 24:00—When we slow down, we enter the stargate. We can tap into our creative genius through our intuition. 27:00—Alignment as stargate magic 29:18—The experience of entering the quantum realm and being a conscious creator. How our intentions transcend time and space. 31:28—DNA Decoding and first step before entering the zero point. 36:33—The Greeks had two words for time: Chronos and Kairos 40:10—Breaking the limitations of the 3D mind To connect with Jaclyn Norton visit:Website | Instagram | Pinterest To connect with Sandra Raso visit:Website | Instagram| Facebook