171 BPM - Off On the Right Foot
Hit the ground running with this first mix of 2009, a tightly focused, intensifying hour of progressive house. Keep Podrunner going with a contribution or purchase at https://www.podrunner.com/donate.html. PLAYLIST: 01. Paul Prior - Ten Thousand Legions 02. Nitin - Speak Slowly Please 03. Africano, Mella, Sanjay Hari - Deewee (Size Zero Remix) 04. Gabriel Black - Resolutions (Amit Shoham Remix) 05. DJ Tim - Drum Technic 06. Pimo - Memoir 07. Caspian Rabone - Plain Truth 08. TwoPlay - Smoother 09. Paul Prior - Uprising 10. Adam Brown - The Push 11. Sharam Jey - When The Dogs Bite (Original Dub) 12. Ricsta - Be Divine (Kung Po Dub) Music copyright c the respective artists. All other material c2009 by Podrunner LLC. For personal use only. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction, editing, exhibition, sale, rental, exchange, public performance, or broadcast of this audio is prohibited.