#13: Into The Seeds of Violence
This is a special episode of The Yoga Inspiration Podcast. It’s shorter than you might expect, but I’m discussing the importance of ahimsa within our personal revolution. A cultural revolution is happening around us right now, and our yoga practice gives us the power to inspire change in not only ourselves, but in others. Yoga practice is designed to break the cycle of suffering. When you sit quietly on your yoga mat, you may feel anger, fear, or hatred towards others, maybe even towards yourself. But you practice yoga to find and uproot these seeds of suffering within yourself so that you can be a better person. Why not expand this healing cycle? When we take the principles we learn and practice every day on our yoga mats and bring them into our reality, we have the power to inspire that same change in others. Right now, those privileged and in power are allowing themselves to be guided by fear and hatred. As long as these seeds of suffering are there, there will never be justice or peace. And as long as good people continue to turn away from the injustice we’re seeing today, then justice will never be our reality. But yoga justice is real. We have the power to inspire change in our community. We aren’t just sending light and love with each pose. Our love is an action verb, and there are actions we can take as yogis to make sure those seeds of suffering don’t blossom. How are you using the values of ahimsa in your daily life? There is no lasting change without behavioral change. I’m speaking today from personal experience. I do not claim to be an expert on race relations or sociological theories, but I do have over twenty years of experience on this spiritual yoga journey. And as a yoga practitioner, you and I both have the power and the responsibility to inspire change in our community. What actions are you taking today? If you’re a practicing yoga student with an inspiring journey, please share a bit of your yoga journey with me and my listeners. Send me an email at info@kinoyoga.com and tell me - what does yoga mean to you? You could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast with Kino MacGregor! Stay connected: @kinoyoga and @omstarsofficial View my teaching schedule, blogs, etc on Kinoyoga.com Get your free 30 day membership on Omstars.coma use code: PODCAST