First Day to 5 K - Level 1 - Week 6 - Mix 1
We give you a chance to recover after last week's 20-minute run, but keep the energy level high to keep you moving! BPM CHART: 5-min. warmup @ 131 bpm 5 min. @ 141 bpm 3 min. @ 132 bpm 8 min. @ 141 bpm 3 min. @ 132 bpm 5 min. @ 141 bpm 4-min. cooldown @ 131 bpm PLAYLIST: 01. Slim Yelow - Bad Trip 02. Dr. Bass - Day of Marmot 03. Olivier Giacomotto - Wasabi On Top 04. Cosmic Belt - Do It 05. Igor Dorohov - Music Is (Del Horno Remix) 06. Native - Transport (4mal Remix) Music copyright c the respective artists. All other material c2008 by Podrunner LLC. For private use only. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction, editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, public performance, or broadcast of this audio is strictly prohibited.