A Veterans Day Tribute in The Cabin
The Cabin is presented by the Wisconsin Counties Association and this week we’re featuring Walworth County; https://bit.ly/35sRP7y
The Cabin is also presented by WCA’s Group Health Trust; serving local governments and school districts, the WCA Group Health Trust partners closely with members to fulfill their employee health benefit obligations in a fiscally responsible manner. Learn more here; https://bit.ly/3JMizCX
Campfire Conversation: This is an important week for our nation’s heroes. This Friday, November 11th, we celebrate Veterans Day nationally, but with over 325,000+ veterans living in Wisconsin (aka 7.2% of our population) we had to pay it a special tribute in ‘The Cabin’! We cover topics like the history of Fort McCoy, towns with Veterans Day Celebrations, great Veteran Memorials to visit, resources for veterans, non-profit shout-outs, Honor Flights and much more! We hope this episode gives you a little bit to reflect on, and will have you thanking a veteran by the end of the week.
This Week’s Wisconsin Treasure is sponsored by BetterHelp and you get 10% off your first month at betterhelp.com/cabinpod! This week we are featuring Operation Not Alone! Learn more about them at operationnotalone.net!
Shop Discover Wisconsin; Check out the Cabin Podcast merch and use code “CABIN” for a discount at; https://bit.ly/3PEtnFN
Marshfield Clinic; All of Us Research Program; https://bit.ly/3klM56E
Know Your Wisconsin: Lonesome Stone Milling; https://bit.ly/3UkV88D