Specialized Knowledge and What to do with it
Are you content with the path that your general knowledge is taking you? Do you desire a great change in your life as you intentionally look into the knowledge that you possess but have left unexplored? Information is readily available with a few clicks on the keyboard, but with this accessibility also comes the issue of data integrity and reliability. Nothing beats an accustomed companion like books, especially concerning dependability and timelessness. At present - regarding marketing, competence, and authority - creating a book is the new calling card as it requires having specialized and specific knowledge about a certain topic or area. In today’s episode, I talk about the difference between general knowledge and specialized knowledge based on my experience and the book Think and Grow Rich, a reading that has been my constant companion offering me motivation and inspiration since I was 17. I also discuss how you can turn your general knowledge into something distinctive that can make you a game changer in your field. I identify the missing link that has turned generations into “general thinkers” and propose a new approach to thinking, organizing, and learning that will surely take you places if you open your mind and apply it. General knowledge you can all get, and knowledge is only power when you direct it, when you organize it. In This Episode of Real Money Talks: Defining two kinds of knowledge – general and specialized How the founding of many things like the educational system, financial system, and even nations stemmed from having organizations What pattern millionaires have in common on the road to getting wealthy Deeper strategies to prepare for and do based on the simple formula for getting rich What to look for when “purchasing” knowledge Subscribe, Rate & Share Real Money Talks! Loral Langemeier is on a mission – to educate and empower the http://www.realmoneytalks.com/ (Real Money Talks) community on how to have those important money talks that are straight, to the point, and can be applied to every aspect of your life. So, tune in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on iTunes to learn, ask Loral a question, and create your path to financial freedom! Don’t forget to leave a review and grab your free gifts on AskLoral.com!