Episode 40: The Real Dr. Steven Horvitz
This week we are honored to be joined by Dr. Steven Horvitz who is a leader in the Direct Primary Care (DPC) and Low Carb communities. Join us to hear about his personal story and extensive clinical experience with lifestyle medicine. He has been a mentor to Brian and Tro and is saving lives by stepping out of the box. This is a great discussion with 3 front line docs battling Metabolic Syndrome. We discuss the impact of lifestyle on health and how to improve our broken healthcare system. This is good stuff! Contacts: Twitter: @IMWHorvitz Website: drhorvitz.com Low Carb USA: https://www.lowcarbusa.org/low-carb-events/ Visit Dr. Brian Lenzkes website: https://www.LowCarbAdvisor.com Visit Dr. Tro Kalayjian website: https://www.doctortro.com