With an aging population, the rates of Major and Mild Neurocognitive Disorders are due to rise dramatically. Join Dr. Laura Roberts as she welcomes Dr. Art Walaszek, a board-certified geriatric psychiatrist and an expert in the field of dementia to Unbound. Dr. Walaszek’s research focuses on public health approaches to improving the care of people with dementia. He is the author of the recently published book, Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia. Discussed during this episode Why this book had to be written 2:26 Differentiations between the types of dementia 4:18 Holistic approaches to patients with dementia 8:11 Becoming the writer and authoring a first book 11:30 The effect of quarantine on a vulnerable population 16:53 Psychiatry and the CORONA virus pandemic 22:05 Dr. Art Walaszek is a board-certified geriatric psychiatrist and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He is Vice-Chair for Education and Faculty Development and Director of Psychiatry Residency Training. He is past president of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (AADPRT). His research focuses on public health approaches to improving the care of people with dementia. Dr. Walaszek works with the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, where he is Co-Leader of the Outreach, Recruitment and Education Core, and with the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, where he leads the Public Health Pillar. Dr. Walaszek provides care to older adults with depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental health conditions, and teaches others to do the same. twitter: @artwalaszek Laura Roberts, M.D. Laura Weiss Roberts, M.D., M.A., is Chairman and a Katharine Dexter McCormick and Stanley McCormick Memorial Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California. Resources The National Institute on Aging (NIA) Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center is a terrific repository of information for patients and family members regarding Alzheimer' disease and other causes of dementia. The Wisconsin Alzheimer's Institute (WAI) has collected resources on caring for people during the COVID-19 pandemic. At WAI, Dr. Walasczek is involved in research that uses the DICE Approach, a method for understanding and addressing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. You can subscribe to Psychiatry Unbound on Google podcast, Spotify, iTunes, Podcast Addict, Deezer, RadioPublic and through our RSS feed If you would, please take a moment to rate us on iTunes.