Summer Best-Of-Series: Dan Harris
Ironically for our co-host Jamie - like many - coming out of lockdown and going back into "reality" is proving just as hard as the initial quarantine time, from a mental standpoint! Jamie knows many people can relate, so she chose the OTG interview with ABC News legend, Dan Harris, for the next in our summer "best of" series.
Why? Well, Harris is famous for many things, but perhaps most of all for having a panic attack on live television while co-hosting on Good Morning America several years back... it was then that Dan knew he had to change something in his life. Despite his self-professed “allergy to all things touchy-feely and New Age-y,” he realized he had to open his mind to new options. This realization led him to discover the science-backed secret to feeling 10% happier: MEDITATION.
The lessons he learned led him to create a best-selling book and a podcast (his first guest was the Dalai Lama, no big deal!), all called "10% Happier," and we are grateful to bring his episode back to the surface to help us re-enter the world as happy, healthy, & sane as possible.
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