Live QaA: Artificial Sweeteners, Weight Gainer Shakes, "Healthy" Drinking, and More...
This podcast is a recording of the latest live QaA I did over at Legion, and this time we're talking artificial sweeteners, ephedrine, weight gainers, doing research, myofascial release, and much more. If you want to get in on the next one and ask me questions, sign up here: 03:31 – Is this good HIIT cardio: Incline at 7.5 with 10 mph on a treadmill for 10 minutes. 06:24 – When I take creatine monohydrate I get bad insomnia and have to pee 10 times a night. Is there a different form I can take? 07:50 – I just had surgery and was looking at your joint supplement Fortify. Could you comment on the effectiveness it might have after surgery? 10:27 – Most bodybuilders rag on the Bowflex, is there anything wrong with the actual system if someone is still doing low reps, heavy weights, proper form? 11:42 – What do you consider to be the ideal Carbs/Protein/Fat percentage when cutting for a female? 18:36 – How can I avoid forearm pain during bicep curls? 20:01 – When are you going to come to the dark side and do a powerlifting meet? 22:33 – Could you please address problems with artificial sweeteners? 25:47 – What's the "healthiest" way to get drunk? 28:10 – Can you comment on the use of Ephedrine HCL? 29:50 – What's your go-to method for cooking chicken? 30:32 – When carrying out research for articles, what is your go to reference for trusted information? 32:42 – Is there a certain downside to using mass gainers? 35:29 – Did you work with researchers/scientists to come up with your Legion protein? 37:26 – What's your opinion on taking cleansing diet pills for cutting? 40:03 – What's the ideal amount of time to fast for IF? 40:16 – Do you take into account the afterburn affect of HIIT when counting macros? 41:04 – What are your thoughts on myofascial release? 41:25 – Why wont you go vegan? 43:37 – If you could only shave one part of your body for your next photo shoot, what would it be? 44:06 – What do you think of Tim Ferriss and the whole life hack fitness industry? 45:47 – How often should macros be adjusted as you're cutting? 46:29 – Can women follow the Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger program? 50:02 – Can you explain some guidelines for LISS cardio instead of HIIT? 51:14 – Any news on your app (beta) release? 53:03 – What do you think of yoga for mobility? 53:38 – Can you tell us a bit more about your affiliate programs for 2016? 57:30 – What are your thoughts on the Chest Dumbbell Pullover as a chest building exercise. 58:22 – What are your thoughts on using accessories such as wrist/lift straps, belt, knee sleeves? 1:01:41 – Any advice for dating German girls? 1:02:10 – What are your current max lifts for side lateral raises, squats, deadlifts, bench and overhead press? 1:06:24 – I'm a female NPC competitor at 16 % body fat and have been working out for almost 3 years now. Any exercise that would help my quads show? 1:10:25 – Let's say I put together a a protein bar that tastes better than Quest Bars. What is the first step to bring this product to market? 1:13:06 – Is it ALWAYS calories in vs calories out, or is it true that when people get older their metabolism lags? 1:15:09 – Why have you never been DEXA scanned? 1:18:02 – At what point in your life did you realize you wanted to start a career in the fitness industry? 1:25:04 – Is it possible for a hernia surgery to mess up the abdominal wall? Want to get my best advice on how to gain muscle and strength