SDH 003: Listen More, Talk Less with Natalie Alexia
Natalie is an author, speaker, blogger and life coach. She has been coaching on the side while working in her and her husband’s landscaping business for the past 9 years. She has lived in 6 different countries throughout her life and has recently sold the landscaping business and relocated with her family to sunny California. Their newest business endeavor is full-time business and life coaching via the website and future blog, Natalie's coaching info is at and hop on over to Love's The New Black to learn about her newest photographic project!
Connect:: Twitter @LifeLetLoose || Facebook || Insta: @Natalie_LifeLetLoose
“My dad is an entrepreneur so it just kind of always seemed like a really logical choice.”
Breakthrough Goal: Selling their business in 2013 and moving to the states. :: More on why this is important, below
Insight into Coaching and Consulting: “some of us are just innately coaches, in life, in general. I’ve always been that go-to person within my circle of friends and family where if someone had an issue or something had come up in their business, I’ve always been the person that they called. I’m very level-headed, I’m very direct but without being very brutal. That was very much a part of my personality, always has been.”
Getting Started: Started as a passion project – Sending out emails to her network and do a certain amount of hours to fulfill her certification. Used referral strategies to build client base. “I maintained as many clients as I wanted because I didn’t want a full practice throughout those 6 years.”
“For me, I wanted it to be more than coaching. I love the one-to-one coaching, but I was looking around and seeing so many people in my life who were not really fully living or enjoying”