Episode 282: A Visit with Dr. Carol Swain †
Being great admirers of her and her work, Andrew and Julie are honored to welcome author and public speaker Dr. Carol Swain to the podcast. To start off, Dr. Swain shares her backstory and variety of credentials. Be inspired by Dr. Swain's incredible journey of hard work in becoming a great communicator, and listen to her message to parents on education and raising great thinkers.
- Dr. Carol Swain
- The Candace Owens Show with Carol Swain
- Schoolhouse Rocked
- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
- "Conversations with Dr. Carol Swain"
- Black Eye for America: How Critical Race Theory Is Burning Down the House by Dr. Swain and Dr. Christopher J. Schorr
- Be the People News
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† Contains distinctly Christian content