006: Ready To Lawnch
VIP badge in hand, Feston attends a garden expo to participate in a display of ballistics and botany.
StarTripper!! is a former file-clerk’s search for the best experience the galaxy has to offer!
Transcript for this episode: startripperhq.com/006/transcript
Website: startripperhq.com
Twitter: @StarTripperHQ
Patreon: patreon.com/startripper
Merch: startripperhq.com/merch
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Created by Julian Mundy
Produced by Julian Mundy, Mischa Stanton & Ian McQuown
Written & Directed by Julian Mundy
Sound Design by Mischa Stanton
With performances by:
Ian McQuown as Feston
Giselle De Silva as Proxy
Alex Marshall-Brown as the Emcee
Emma Sherr-Ziarko as the Checkpoint Officer
Music by Ketsa – ketsamusic.com
This episode includes the following tracks:
"Diversity" [ad music]
"Wild Plain" [title theme]
"Fun First"
"Start of something beautiful"
Additional music by Jahzzar via the Free Music Archive:
"Wild Ones"
Thank you for flying with us!!