Episode 1 - Q&A with Graeme Close PhD & James Morton PhD

The first episode of the Guru Performance 'We Do Science' podcast! In this episode I (Laurent Bannock) discuss a number of important current topics in sports and exercise nutrition with top UK sports nutrition researchers and practitioners: Graeme Close PhD and James Morton PhD. In this session we get into:

  • Should athletes avoid carbohydrates?
  • What is fasted-state training? Can it improve body composition and performance
  • Is there a post-exercise anabolic ‘window of opportunity’?
  • How important are sports supplements to performance?
  • Is a calorie a calorie? Is it important to consider the quantity and not the quality of calories when it comes to health and performance?
  • What is the best piece of advice you can give someone looking to become a performance nutritionist?

Checkout our other podcasts, video blogs and articles on all things performance nutrition at www.GuruPerformance.com





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