Money: why are we so awkward about it?

In the second episode of Is This Working? we talk about why money is so awkward and explore how we can be better with it.   Tiffany tells the story of when she woke up one day and found out she was getting a six-figure sum in her bank account. She talks about how that felt and about her debt problems throughout her twenties.  Anna and Tiffany then discuss the conversation that’s happening about money today and explore why people struggle to be transparent about money with friends and colleagues. We also share our own money stories, including our tips for negotiating pay.  Get in touch We want to hear from you because this podcast is all about how we can improve your working lives. Get in touch with any questions you have about your working life.    Email: Tweet: @isthis_working Links  Open Up: The Power of Talking About Money, by Alex Holder Money: A User’s Guide: The Sunday Times Bestseller Paperback by Laura Whateley  GO FUND YOURSELF instagram account by Alice Tapper: @go_fund_yourself Affluenza: How to be Successful and Stay Sane by Oliver James I Work to Make Money and There’s No Shame in That by Tiffany Philippou: The complete guide to getting off on the right foot in a new job, Quartz, by Anna Codrea-Rado: See for privacy and opt-out information.

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