Sathiya Sam: Recovered Porn Consumer, Activist, a Pornography Recovery Coach
Meet Canadian activist Sathiya. After facing his own struggle with pornography, Sathiya created DeepClean, a program build to help men experience long-term freedom from pornography through a systematic process. Sathiya talks with podcast host, Garrett Jonsson, about his own struggle with pornography, how it negatively impacted different areas of his life, and why he’s now dedicating his life to helping men find lasting recovery. You can learn more about Sathiya’s program, DeepClean, at Click here to learn more about the guest, and access the resources discussed in this episode. To learn more about the harms of pornography on consumers, relationships, and its larger societal impacts, visit To support this podcast, click here or text CONSIDER to 43506. As you go about your day we invite you to increase your self-awareness, look both ways, check your blindspots, and consider before consuming.