Waffles- Furry! Furry Fandom, Kink in Fursuits and all things Fur
Couldn't be more excited to bring you Waffles today! It is very exciting for me, and hopefully you to learn about the Furry Fandom and all the things you want to know about what it's like in that fursuit! Follow Waffles on instagram and twitter as SushiOtter Check out our sponsors! HelloTushy.com/ISP for 10% off your first order! Bidets and more things for your cleanest bum! LVRSNFRNDS.com for an amazing open-minded community where you get to talk to people and ask questions and get feedback from people all over the word! As well as getting to meet people to connect with that are like you, and maybe even close by you too.... Apply and if accepted use promo code ISP for 1/2 off your first month Follow us! instagram @interestingsexpodcast interestingsexpodcast.com