Episode 1 - QaA with Graeme Close PhD a James Morton PhD
The first episode of the Guru Performance 'We Do Science' podcast! In this episode I (Laurent Bannock) discuss a number of important current topics in sports and exercise nutrition with top UK sports nutrition researchers and practitioners: Graeme Close PhD and James Morton PhD. In this session we get into: Should athletes avoid carbohydrates? What is fasted-state training? Can it improve body composition and performance Is there a post-exercise anabolic ‘window of opportunity’? How important are sports supplements to performance? Is a calorie a calorie? Is it important to consider the quantity and not the quality of calories when it comes to health and performance? What is the best piece of advice you can give someone looking to become a performance nutritionist? Checkout our other podcasts, video blogs and articles on all things performance nutrition at www.GuruPerformance.com