#242 Best of Episode: The Wholesaler’s Fred Factor with Mark Sanborn
From our archives - this show was originally published in 2013. Some folks would think that delivering mail for a living is about the most undifferentiated job on the planet. And most advisors can’t tell one company’s wholesaler from another in a police line-up. So, what can we learn from Mark Sanborn’s interactions with Fred Shea, his local postal carrier, that will allow you to become a better wholesaler? Plenty. Mark is president of Sanborn a Associates, Mark Sanborn is a recognized thought leader on leadership skill training and helping individuals and organizations turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. But more than this, the mission of Sanborn a Associates is to transform knowledge into application to create a generation of leaders who make a positive difference, regardless of title. Pick up the all new Fred 2.0: New Ideas On How to Keep Delivering Extraordinary Results and enjoy this session with Mark Sanborn.