#241 Best of Episode: What Do Financial Advisors Want From Wholesalers? with Bill Bachrach
We've pulled a great episode from the archive to share with you this week - our discussion with Bill Bachrach. This show was originally published in 2012. For 25 years Bill has been teaching financial professionals to speak the language of trust and the art of building high-trust client relationships. Beginning in 1988, after being a successful financial advisor himself, Bill became the driving force behind the Trusted Advisor and Values-Based movements in the financial services industry. Financial Planning Magazine inducted him into their Hall of Fame as one of our industry's most influential people and the National Speakers Association inducted him into their Hall of Fame for his platform speaking skills. Over this time he has earned the reputation as the world's leading authority on the subject of trust for financial professionals. From the recording: Learn how to do expert Advisor Reconnaissance: http://bememorable.com/course/leverage-advisor-reconnaissance-successful-appointments/ Get 76 Great Questions Wholesalers Should Ask Advisors: https://wholesalermasterminds.com/2011/11/53-great-questions-wholesalers-should-ask/