#219 Why Do a Few Highly Successful Wholesalers Consistently Outperform Their Peers? with Anthony Iannarino
A 'no' is not a failure. It's information. The ability to think on your feet is no excuse for being unprepared. Small salespeople ask weak questions. If these statements ring true to you - or simply get you thinking about your areas of improvement - then our returning guest (be sure to listen to our other visits with him from 2011 and 2014) to whom they are attributed is sure to please. Anthony Iannarino is a highly respected international speaker, author, entrepreneur, and sales leader specializing in the complex business-to-business (B2B) sale. He is also a founder and managing partner of two closely-held, family-owned businesses in the staffing industry, leading both entities in strategic planning while growing sales. Anthony is best known for his work at The Sales Blog, which has helped him gain recognition as a top thought leader in sales strategy. He is also the designer of Level 4 Value Creation™ and Building Consensus, methodologies that help sales organizations achieve transformational, breakthrough results. His brand new book, The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, is available from Amazon.com. Book Anthony for your next event through Wholesaler Masterminds Speakers Bureau.