#215 The Myth of Wholesaler Work Life Balance with Chris Johnson
Once upon a time, a wholesaler was so hell bent on ‘unplugging’ from all things work (email, voice mail etc.) during his family vacation that he created more stress for himself. In the search for the holy grail of ‘work life balance’ he experienced his worst holiday ever. Instead of chasing the unicorn, what if there was a better solution? Chris Johnson is the leading authority on small steps to healthy living. As Founder/CEO of On Target Living, Chris is a highly respected expert and accomplished executive, who has spent over 30 years researching and building optimal health and performance programs for individuals and corporations. He is the architect of the Food Target® that shifts from counting calories to concentrating on the nutrient values of foods that guide healthy choices. His latest book is On Target Living: Your Guide to a Life of Balance, Energy, and Vitality Book Chris for your next event through Wholesaler Masterminds Speakers Bureau.