#27 - Broadening the FIRE (“financial independence, retire early”) Conversation, with Vicki Robin
Today we’re finally tackling the topic that we suspect some of you initially came to The Fairer Cents expecting to hear about: early retirement, financial independence and the FIRE movement or community. But because it’s us, we’re not just going to say “here’s how to retire early, now go buy some Vanguard funds and off you go.” Instead, we’re talking about how to broaden the conversation around FIRE, namely how to diversify it so more people feel welcome. Because it’s not just white tech bros here, and talking about it that way sells the whole movement short. Our guests today include Vicki Robin, the New York Times bestselling co-author of Your Money Or Your Life, and a panel of diverse voices from across the FIRE community who are all working to break down those stereotypes about who can achieve FIRE. Links from the show: Tanja’s Twitter Urban Institute analysis on workers over 50 being forced out Your Money Or Your Life by Vicki Robin Jamila Souffrant, Journey to Launch Kiersten a Julien Saunders, Rich a Regular Bethany Mccamish, His a Her FI Felicity, Fetching Financial Freedom Tanja’s blog post, “Of Boosts and Bootstraps” Talia Jane Vice piece, “Most Money Advice Is Worthless When You’re Poor” Afford Anything podcast episode with Suze Orman