#8 - Goals, Resolutions and Self Care
This week, Kara and Tanja dig deep into goals, resolutions and self care, but not in the usual way. This isn't a rundown on suggested new year's resolutions, or the latest tips for rocking that bullet journal. This is about the potential darkside of goals, and how when we fall short of a goal, we might perceive what is 99% success as failure. And how goals sometimes support self care, while other times goals push us to be unhealthy. And of course we talk about the positive side, too -- how empowering it is to achieve goals, and how each of us achieved our greatest financial successes. Plus audio essays by Kara and Tanja on our feelings about goals and resolutions. Season 1 of The Fairer Cents is sponsored by FreshBooks, the cloud accounting software for business rockstars. Go to freshbooks.com/tfc and enter "the fairer cents" in the how did you hear about us box to get a one-month free trial of the accounting software we both use and love.