#7 - The Urge to Compare Money
We all feel the urge to compare ourselves to others (no, it's not just you), including the absolutely most successful among us. But is that actually good for us? And are the images we're comparing ourselves against even true? Kara and Tanja talk about comparison, competition, and what it's like to accidentally be the one others are comparing themselves to (and what to do about it if that happens). And today we've got an interview with money blogger J. Money (J$), who started the Rockstar Finance net worth tracker, inspiring radical transparency across the personal finance blogosphere. Season 1 of The Fairer Cents is sponsored by FreshBooks, the cloud accounting software for business rockstars. Go to freshbooks.com/tfc and enter "the fairer cents" in the how did you hear about us box to get a one-month free trial of the accounting software we both use and love.