#3 - Women and Ambition
Let's talk ambition -- and what it means to be an ambitious woman. Women today are allowed to be more ambitious than women in prior generations, but that doesn't mean we don't still get judged differently for it. Kara and Tanja talk about their own ambition, whether ambition and competition are synonymous, and whether we can be ambitious without hurting other women (and preferably helping them!). Also, a discussion with Michelle Jackson, who proudly proclaims herself to be an ambitious African-American woman, which is all kinds of badass. And why it's so audacious to proclaim, as a woman, that you want to earn more money. Season 1 of The Fairer Cents is sponsored by FreshBooks, the cloud accounting software that's changing the world for freelancers and small business owners everywhere. Go to www.freshbooks.com/tfc and enter "the fairer cents" in the how did you hear about us section to get your free one-month trail of FreshBooks.