Ep. 04 feat. Mohit Mukhi
Episode 4 goes mellow with headliner Mohit Mukhi in the candid chat and live acoustic set with Mae. But, the warm up comes from Mumbai's punk rockers Blek, as well as Yohan Marshall stripped down. A bonus song that Maed Mae's day is from Chennai post-punk outfit Adam and the Fish Eyed Poets Blek (indie punk rockers from Mumbai) Song: Minus The Makeup Album: Hexes + Drama a other reasons for evacuationwww.soundcloud.com/blekwww.facebook.com/blekofficial Adam And The Fish Eyed Poets (alternative post-punk band from Chennai) Song: Wartime Mornings Album: Songs from An Islandhttps://adamandthefisheyedpoets.bandcamp.com/https://www.facebook.com/fisheyedpoets Yohan Marshall - No One Momenthttps://www.facebook.com/yohanmarshallofficialhttps://soundcloud.com/yohan-marshall@yohan_marshall Mohit Mukhihttps://www.facebook.com/mohit.mukhi.1https://soundcloud.com/mohitm