How to Raise Over $20 Million in Startup Funding with Paul Proffitt
Our guest, Paul Proffitt, shares some great insights that can help you land the big deal! Learn how to negotiate with investors and manage key relationships within your business. List of Negotiable Business and Personal Expenses Connect with me on LinkedIn Hosted by Kwame Christian Esq., M.A.Keywords: Small business, negotiate, sales, selling, negotiation, mediation, mediate, law, business, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, salary negotiation. You'll find this helpful if you're a fan of the following podcasts: Smart Passive Income (Pat Flynn), Entrepreneur on Fire (John Dumas), Eventual Millionaire (Jamie Tardy Masters), Social Media Marketing Made Easy (Amy Porterfield), The Human Experiment (Tim Ferriss), $100 MBA (Omar Zenhom), The School of Greatness (Lewis Howes), Startup (Gimlet), Shark Tank (ABC- Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Barbara Corcoran, Robert Herjavec, Kevin O'Leary, Lori Greiner), The Profit (CNBC Marcus Lemonis), Tony Robbins, Suze Orman, Robert Kiyosaki, Napoleon Hill, Getting to Yes, Donald Trump, Art of the Deal, Bargaining for Advantage. Keywords: negotiation, negotiate, persuasion, influence, leadership, psychology, sales, compassionate curiosity