#39: Ableton Live 10 - My Thoughts After a Few Months
Ableton has just announced Live 10, the latest development of the popular DAW. It’s currently becoming available to beta testers now and will be released in early 2018. I’ve had access to Live 10 for the last few months and have quite a lot to say about it. In this episode, I discuss some of my favorite features and devices. There are some sound examples to help demonstrate my points, as well as some thoughts on how Live 10 has improved my music making experience. Basically, an Ableton Live nerd reveling in his new toys. Enjoy! Listen on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play Support the Podcast on Patreon Show Notes: Free Ableton Live Pack 162: Mitchell's Harpsichord New in Ableton Live 10 - My YouTube Playlist with in-depth tutorials and walkthroughs of some of my favorite new features