Repetition and Endurance Makes the Habit | Brad Kearns
Today, we are excited to welcome Brad Kearns to Health Coach Radio. Brad is a man of many, many talents. He is a New York Times best-selling author, Guinness World Record holder, podcast host, former national champion, former #3 world-ranked professional triathlete, and speed-golfer (just to name a few). Brad works with Mark Sisson to promote the Primal Blueprint lifestyle through books, seminars, retreats, and online multimedia educational courses. During this episode, we discuss what moderation means and when it can get us in trouble, how failure shouldn't be frustrating as it allows us to refocus, why "getting over yourself" really enables you to enjoy the finer things in life, mastering your morning and so much more. We love Brad and everything he has to offer and we know you will too! To learn how to become a health coach or to up-level your skills and credentials as a health coach, visit