What Peter Kraus Loves About Madison
The Cabin is presented by the Wisconsin Counties Association and this week we’re featuring Dane County; https://bit.ly/3wCtPKk
The Cabin is also presented by WCA’s Group Health Trust; serving local governments and school districts, the WCA Group Health Trust partners closely with members to fulfill their employee health benefit obligations in a fiscally responsible manner. Learn more here; https://bit.ly/3JMizCX
Campfire Conversation: As the holiday weekend approaches, our conversations tend to focus on food and family, but what about…fitness? And more importantly, your mental health as it relates to your physical health? Today in The Cabin, we are joined by Madisonian, fitness enthusiast, and entrepreneur Peter Kraus to talk about all the things in our capital city! Eric and Susan were very well educated in some of Peter’s research and fitness findings and end the episode with some rapid-fire questions about what he loves the most in Wisconsin! Don’t worry, we keep The Bachelorette chat to a minimum ????
Follow Peter Kraus on Instagram at: @peterkrauswi
And his gyms, PK Fitness, at: @peterkrausfitness
Shop Discover Wisconsin; Check out the Cabin Podcast merch and use code “CABIN” for a discount at; https://bit.ly/3PEtnFN
Marshfield Clinic; All of Us Research Program; https://bit.ly/3klM56E
Know Your Wisconsin: Curling; https://bit.ly/3tP77Qe