A Strange Use of 'Said.' Kith and Kin. New Scrabble Words!

903. A listener heard some jargon, and then got annoyed by "said" jargon, so we explored why.  Plus, who the heck are your kith? And finally, we got excited about the first new Scrabble words since 2018.

| Transcript:  https://grammar-girl.simplecast.com/episodes/a-strange-use-of-said/transcript

| Ragan Advanced AP Style Webinar

| Merriam-Webster Scrabble Website

The "said" segment was written by Susan K. Herman, a former editor, language analyst, and language instructor for the U.S. Government.

The "kith" segment was written by Samantha Enslen, who runs Dragonfly Editorial. You can find her at dragonflyeditorial.com or on Twitter as @DragonflyEdit.

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| HOST: Mignon Fogarty

| VOICEMAIL: 833-214-GIRL (833-214-4475) or https://sayhi.chat/grammargirl

| Grammar Girl is part of the Quick and Dirty Tips podcast network.

  • Audio engineer: Nathan Semes
  • Editor: Adam Cecil
  • Advertising Operations Specialist: Morgan Christianson
  • Marketing and Publicity Assistant: Davina Tomlin
  • Digital Operations Specialist: Holly Hutchings
  • Intern: Kamryn Lacy

| Theme music by Catherine Rannus.

| Grammar Girl Social Media Links: YouTube. TikTok. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. LinkedIn. Mastodon.

References for the "kith" segment:

Ammer, Christine. Kith and kin. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013. 

Dent, Suzie. Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 19th edition. Chambers Harrap, 2013.

Oxford English Dictionary, online edition. Oxford University Press. http://bit.ly/1MExZUo (subscription required, accessed November 23, 2022).

Etymonline (accessed November 23, 2022). https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=kith

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