#002 | This Episode Is Out Of Date And Has Been Redone/Improved In The 2021 Season | See #065, #068, #070 & #079
Skip Ahead To Updated Episodes #065, #068, #070 & #079
In the most unprepared for episode in FAR AIM history, Lee, Scott & Robert try to cover FAR 61.107. And by try to cover... I mean Robert ends up just reading the Private Pilots ACS (Airman Certification Standards). Lee gives unsolicited advice to flight instructors about pre-flight instruction and talks taxiway speed limits. Scott tries to recall if he has a check list still, everyone gets into and argument about how to bring an airplane in for landing (stabilized approach vs. power-off approach) and so much more! Taking a check ride for your private pilots certificate? We cover the highlights of what can be covered on your flight with the Designated Examiner.
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