Helping Health Care Workers Cope | OAS Episode 139
The crushing strain of caring for patients the last year and half of pandemic has taken a toll on health care workers. Legislatures play an important role in this area by creating laws for licensure and regulation.
On the podcast to discuss the workforce and how to help health care workers cope with the current challenges is Dr. Luis Padilla, the associate administrator for health workforce at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Padilla also serves as director of the National Health Service Corps.
Padilla discusses how HRSA supports states in strengthening the workforce and. He also talked about the growing role of telehealth and the important role states have in regulating scope of practice rules.
The other guest is Sydne Enlund from NCSL. Enlund tracks of scope of practice laws across the country and maintains a website on the topic with interactive maps dealing with nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists and more. She discusses the role legislatures have played in modifying regulations for workers during the pandemic.
- Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA) Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW)
- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Data Warehouse
- Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center
- OAS Episode 139 Transcription
- Scope of Practice Policy website, NCSL
- The Telehealth Explainer Series, NCSL
- Telehealth: Health Care From the safety of Our Homes, HHS